Van de film “Radicale actie, Onkruit & XR” is inmiddels de Engelse versie gereed gekomen:
Weeds (Onkruid in Dutch) do not perish, is a Dutch proverb. In the 1970s and 1980s, the anti-militarist action group Onkruit (with a t) was very active with direct actions against army, conscription and the arms industry. The name ‘Onkruit’ refers to No Gunpowder (Kruit in Dutch). Under the name ‘Onkruit does not perish’, the activists of that time have resumed their struggle. They made a movie.
The film shows how Onkruit and total objectors went into battle with the army. What was Onkruit’s appeal and what was achieved with the confrontational actions? Total refusers, former activists and other people directly involved will have their say. The film also builds a bridge to the present and shows images of the left radical protest of the moment and activists of Extinction Rebellion (XR) have their say. The film has been updated with action footage from Just Stop Oil and an interview with Wouter Mouton from Bruges, who glued himself to the Girl with a Pearl Earring in the Mauritshuis, among other things.
The film was made by independent filmmakers Huib Schoonhoven and Karen Kuiper, with the cooperation of freelance journalists Jacqueline Maris and Marnix Koolhaas.
Internationale aandacht voor de film
De film krijgt inmiddels ook internationaal aandacht, dankzij het feit dat de Engelstalige versie beschikbaar is.